Best Boston MBA Programs For Your Buck
It would be a gross understatement to characterize earning a business school degree as a major investment of time and resources. For the vast majority of applicants, choosing the right school is often a matter of choosing the one they can afford. But if there’s any city in the North America that offers a veritable gallery of business schools for any budget, it’s Boston. We surveyed the Boston scholarship landscape so you don’t have to, and here are the best Boston MBA programs for your buck:
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MIT Sloan Co-Hosts Cyber Summit to Discuss How to Thwart Cybercrime
MIT Sloan School of Management last week co-hosted the Cambridge Cyber Summit, featuring a panel of cybersecurity experts discussing ways in which government and financial institutions can minimize cybercrime by “understanding the motivations of the hackers,” according to this recent article.
MIT Sloan Showcases Student Startups
MIT Sloan recently published a list of 17 MIT startups to watch, based on presentations of ideas Sloan students developed in semi-secrecy this past summer as part of the recent MIT Delta V startup accelerator program. Continue reading…
MIT Sloan Prof Points to Open Dialogue as Wave of the Future in Management Structures
Kara Baskin spoke with MIT Sloan associate professor of work and organization studies Catherine Turco for an article about her new book The Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media, in which she found a “new way of communicating across old management structures” by “leveraging today’s communication technologies.”
MIT Sloan Breaks Down Science of Successful Platforms
MIT Sloan recently published an article that presents helpful advice for up-and-coming platform developers to follow the paths paved by Uber and AirBNB, both of which have “created innovative and disruptive business models that have drastically changed how consumers (and now businesses) secure transportation and lodging.”
MIT Sloan Student Develops Innovative VR Theater Venture
MIT Sloan published an article this week in which Amy MacMillan Bankson talked to Maskerade founder Riley Clubb, MBA ’17. Continue reading…