Dec 12, 2018

From Disney to Starbucks, and More – Chicago News

disney to starbucks

Let’s explore some of the most interesting stories that have emerged from Chicago business schools this week.

Don’t Let Complacency Derail Your CareerKellogg Insights

Carter Cast, the Northwestern Kellogg Clinical Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and author of “The Right (and Wrong) Stuff: How Bril­liant Careers Are Made — and Unmade,” writes about how “Version 1.0” employees who “lack curiosity and avoid taking risks” may find themselves professionally derailed.

​“You have to find ways to stay fresh, especially in this day and age with the massive rate of change in technology. Dis­rup­tion is every­where.”

    1. Following a promotion, understand your supervisor’s expectations. “Ask the boss: ​‘With this new job, what will I have done in two years to make you think that this was a good move to pro­mote me? What are the key suc­cess met­rics I should be aim­ing for?’”
    2. Increase your learning agility, or how quick­ly you devel­op and apply new skills by honing a discovery mindset. “[Force] your­self to acquire new skills that could help you down the road. If you work in sales, for exam­ple, you might take time to under­stand how the mar­ket­ing team lever­ages its social mar­ket­ing assets.”
    3. Identify your particular “area of innate resistance,” which Cast believes can stifle career growth if not addressed. He advises to spend more time being open to what you could learn than spending time and energy on what you already know.
    4. Cast advises Ver­sion 1.0 types to “adopt the ​‘lean think­ing’ men­tal­i­ty in order to refresh their think­ing and test new ideas.”
    5. Networks that individuals can “rely on for information and assistance” are critical when jobs are constantly in flux. According to the article, “A strong, diverse net­work can help you bounce back after a chal­lenge or shake-up.”

You can read more from the article here.

From Disney to Starbucks, Shewalter Doesn’t Shy Away From Big ChallengesGies College of Business News

The U. Illinois Gies College of Business recently profiled Erik Shewalter (BADM ’14) who offers insights from his transition from Disney’s DTC streaming service to product management role at the Starbucks Rewards Innovation Team where he oversees strategy and innovation.

Shewalter spoke at length about a defining moment from his “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity at the Disney-branded streaming service where he realized how much he loved the work he was doing.

“One of the defining moments of my career will forever be one of my first meetings with Kevin Mayer (Chairman of Direct-to-Consumer and International). I came to the meeting prepared, and because I was so immersed in the data, I was able to share specific insights that influenced decisions like the choice to include Star Wars and Marvel content in the streaming service.”

One major reason Shewalter left Disney for Starbucks was to work alongside his fiancée Naomi Liu (FIN, BADM ’15) who works in food innovation.

“There are so many little perks that materialize every day, such as sharing a commute, or even sharing our networks (which is critical for succeeding at Starbucks). Also, we love to surprise each other by bringing the other person drinks and snacks throughout the day.”

Check out the entire Gies College of Business News interview here.

Rogers Park and Edgewater Businesses Becoming More Sustainable with Loyola’s HelpQuinlan School of Business

With the support of Loyola University’s Quinlan School of Business Experiential Learning Communities in Solidarity program, professor Nancy Landrum orchestrated partnerships with Smack Dab Chicago and Edge of Sweetness Bakery for her Sustainable Business Management class.

Teams from Landrum’s class “performed waste, water, and simple energy audits and completed greenhouse gas inventories” and then organized “cash mob” events to attract customers to the businesses.

According to the article, “Edge of Sweetness saw a 216 [percent] increase in sales during the cash mob, and Smack Dab Chicago saw a 51 [percent] increase.”

Edge of Sweetness co-owner Kate Merrill (BSN ’96) writes, “I was delighted and surprised by how thorough they were during the initial evaluation. They were also very proactive about what they wanted to do with the projects, which was very nice to see.”

Smack Dab Chicago co-founder Axel Erkenswick adds, “I was interested to see how in-depth the students went into their audits, including going through our waste. Energy conservation is important to me, because it shows customers that we are more than a McDonald’s. We are community driven and put our efforts into helping the environment.”

Read more about the Quinlan program here.

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