MBA Recruiter: Starting Your MBA Career with Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, a leader in computer networking, is constantly looking for MBA talent. Founded in 1984 by two computer scientists from Stanford University who sought an easier way to connect different types of computer systems, the multinational corporation now hires MBAs from top business school across the country. Continue reading…
Hot MBA Jobs: Venture Capital Associate

If you’ve ever used an app like Uber or Snapchat, odds are you’ve benefited from the work of a venture capital associate. Through skills like financial modeling, evaluations, and a little bit of luck, venture capital associates find ‘the next big thing’ and provide the money to make it happen. And though not all of these skills can be taught, top venture capital firms are looking to business programs to find the perfect candidate.
For students looking to join the venture capital industry, the path isn’t always an easy one. The level of experience required in the field means that very few students find venture capital associate positions straight out of their MBA programs. This doesn’t seem to deter those who are ready to work for it, however. Last year, private equity was ranked as the second-biggest employer for MBA graduates at the Harvard Business School.
Before you get started on the road to becoming a venture capital associate, let’s take a look at what the path to your dream job might look like.
The Venture Capitalist Job Role
Venture capital (VC) firms take on the risky but often lucrative job of searching the startup world for the next big thing. In exchange for providing capital infusions to startup companies in the early stages of their business, venture capitalists receive both oversight and ownership in the company.
For associates at venture capital firms, the job primarily involves sourcing new deals—setting up meetings with entrepreneurs and companies to find prospective investments—and supporting existing ones. As most roles in financial analysis go, VC associates are responsible for supporting all aspects of an investment, from the initial sourcing, modeling, and execution of a deal.
The exact type of work done by a VC associate may be determined by the type of for it is. For firms more focused on funding startups in their early stages, the associates work may be more concentrated on sourcing, while firms working more on late-stage financing will likely require more diligence and modeling from its associates.
Venture Capitalist Salary
While the exact roles of a venture capital associate may vary widely with the firm and its specialization, the general trend shows VC work to be an incredibly lucrative career. In 2016, graduates from top MBA programs like Stanford GSB and Harvard Business School joined VC firms at an average salary of $175,000.
According to Payscale, the average salary across all education levels for an associate at a venture capital firm is $92,067. The level of experience can make a big difference when it comes to the venture capital associate role, as well. Mid-career professionals in this role make on average 24 percent more than the national average, and experienced professionals up to 51 percent more.
Where Do Venture Capital Associates Work?
Venture capital firms can be found throughout the world in a variety of fields, leaving a wide range of opportunities open to up and coming VC associates. Certainly, studying and working near concentrated start up hubs like the Silicon Valley in California or the UK’s Silicon Fen can help boost an MBAs ability to get their foot in the door.
Still, a quick look at open venture capital associate positions open at the time of writing reveal diverse offerings spread throughout the country, from Palo Alto, CA to Philadelphia, PA to Durham, NC. MBAs looking to pursue a role in venture capitalism may also look for roles that allow them to pursue other areas of business they are passionate about, since VC firms are typically specialized in the type of startup they will invest in, be it fintech, health science, and other various fields.
Some of the world’s top corporations also have venture capital firms that will invest in companies related to their work. This includes companies like Google, Intel, Salesforce, Johnson & Johnson, and more.
The Venture Capital Associate Education
VC firms looking for associates are likely looking for MBAs who have had some previous experience on the workforce. While it’s not impossible for those without MBA degrees to begin as associates, opportunities for advancement to a partner level role are typically unusual without one. Typically, pre-MBA associates are expected to only work two to three years at a firm and then move on.
For post-MBA associates, it’s expected that these individuals will be working towards a partner level position. Firms will be looking for candidates with strong records in analysis who can demonstrate a deep understanding of markets and industries. Given that even MBA graduates will be expected to have a certain level of experience before joining a VC firm, these roles can be incredibly competitive. On-campus recruiting is uncommon for these firms, and typically only graduates from top level MBA programs are recruited to these positions. Basically, if you are determined to enter the venture capital industry, you will not only need an MBA education- you will need to prove you have the best MBA education.
The Top VC MBA Programs
To join the incredibly competitive field of Venture Capitalism, MBA graduates need a demonstrated record of financial analysis skills and a degree with the reputation to back it up. Some of the top schools for those looking to enter the VC or private equity fields overlap with some of the highest ranked MBA programs in the world. Schools that have strong relationships with investment banks and those with strong finance programs will likely offer the most opportunities for students looking for careers as VC associates. Some of the top schools for the field are listed below:
- Booth School of Business – University of Chicago: The full-time MBA program at University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business has a strong focus on venture capital and private equity through the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship. The program provides strong networking opportunities for their MBAs through student organizations like the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital (EVP) Group. The group offers career development, networking, activities, and speakers covering the most important topics in venture capital today.
- Kellogg School of Management – Northwestern University: MBA students at the Kellogg School of Management will find a huge focus on venture capitalism through the school’s Heizer Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital. Part of the center is the school’s Venture Lab, an experiential learning course that allows students hands-on experience with a quarter-long internship at venture funds, incubators or start-ups.
- Harvard Business School: The top-ranked Harvard Business School has one of the highest success rates in the world for students interested in venture capitalism. In 2015, roughly 14 percent of HBS graduates went into positions at private equity or venture capital firms. Organizations like the Venture Capital & Private Equity Club– which provides a speaker series, career treks, and an annual conference—allows students to get acquainted with the industry long before graduation.
Your Essential Guide to Pre-MBA Diversity Conferences, Boot Camps, and Forums

Several organizations are focused on helping increase the pipeline of underrepresented demographics—such as women, LGBTQ students, and those from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds—to business school and the larger business world. As part of these efforts, many host MBA diversity conferences, boot camps, and forums providing recruiting and networking opportunities to admitted students headed off to business school in the fall. For eligible participants, these opportunities, designed to provide a head start for students in the MBA recruiting process before they even arrive on campus, are well worth pursuing.
Forté MBA Women’s Leadership Conference
The Forté Foundation, a non-profit consortium of leading companies and top business schools, works specifically to expand opportunities for women in business through a range of financial and educational opportunities. A centerpiece of these efforts is the annual Forté MBA Women’s Leadership Conference, which will take place this year in Atlanta on June 15 and 16. Registration is now open for both current business school students and those slated to start their MBA programs next fall.
The two-day conference provides an opportunity for women pursuing their MBA to connect with hundreds of other like-minded students. Billed as a chance to “learn from highly successful business leaders how to develop stand-out skills and project an authentic leadership style,” it also presents valuable networking opportunities. Highlights of this year’s conference include a meet and greet with Fortune 100 recruiters, more than 150 speakers and presentations from a variety of industries and career paths, and a keynote lecture by USA Today Editor-In-Chief Joanne Lipman. Conference attendees can also take part in the Forté Power Pitch Competition, pitching their ventures to a panel of judges for a chance at cash prizes.
Reaching Out MBA Conference
LGBTQ+ students and their allies should familiarize themselves, if they are not already, with Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA). This organization focuses on educating current and prospective MBA students on LGBTQ-specific issues and connecting current LGBTQ students with each other and with alumni communities.
“The conference connects more than 1,600 members of the LGBTQ MBA student and alumni community with more than 90 companies looking specifically or LGBTQ talent,” ROMBA Executive Director Matt Kidd explains. Registration is now open for this year’s conference, which will take place in Minneapolis on October 4th through 6th.
ROMBA also helps prepare students in advance of the conference. “We want to ensure they are well positioned for their conversations with our corporate partners at the conference and beyond,” Kidd adds. ROMBA also offers pre-admission mentoring, a summer consulting project, and webinars designed to help students gain a full understanding of the industries represented at the conference.
MBA JumpStart
Unlike Forté and ROMBA, which focus on specific student demographic groups, other organizations offer pre-MBA opportunities for students from a range of diverse backgrounds. One such organization, JumpStart Advisory Group (JSAG), provides an array of resources and tools through its ongoing Diversity Forums.
JumpStart will host its Brand Management and Marketing Diversity Forum in Philadelphia on May 20th and 21st and its Financial Services and Consulting Diversity Forum in Chicago from July 10th through 13th. In Chicago, finance will be the focus on Tuesday and Wednesday and consulting on Thursday and Friday, although enrolled students interested in learning about both industries can choose to attend the entire event.
“Selected students from top-tier MBA programs attend industry-specific workshops, are introduced to case studies, and are provided with endless opportunities for networking with corporate partner representatives and other incoming MBA students prior to matriculation,” according to the JumpStart website. Students interested in attending should apply here by May 13.
“Diversity for MBA JumpStart is defined as individuals that are under-represented in business including women, Black, African-American, or of African descent, Hispanic, Latin-American, or of Latin descent, Native American or American Indian, Asian and Pacific Islander,” the website notes.
School-Year Fellowship Opportunities
In addition to pre-MBA conferences and workshops, students from diverse backgrounds can also apply for a range of fellowship opportunities once they have been admitted to a leading MBA program.
The Toigo Foundation, which is focused on the finance industry, aims to prepare under-represented MBA students for leadership roles and help foster environments where diverse students can thrive during and after their MBA. Recipients of the Toigo Fellowship participate in two weekends of intense training during each year of their MBA program. These training sessions include leadership development and mentoring, networking opportunities, and the chance to make lasting connections across a range of financial industries. Applications are due by April 30, and financial awards vary depending on achievement and financial need. “The selection of each year’s class of Toigo Fellows is a fluid process and not limited to a specific number,” notes the Tioga website. “Recently, we have selected as many as 80 students (from our applicant pool of nearly 400) to become Toigo Fellows.”
In addition to the nonprofit organizations listed above, many well-known corporations also offer fellowship programs of their own that include financial assistance, conferences, and bootcamp-style experiences for students of color, LGBTQ students, and students with disabilities.
For example, Bank of America Merrill Lynch offers a $40,000 fellowship toward first-year tuition as well as a paid summer internship and opportunities for additional funding in the second year of business school. Goldman Sachs features a similar MBA fellowship program that provides funding to cover first-year tuition, a guaranteed summer associate salary, and a signing bonus that carries an additional $40,000 award upon acceptance of a post-MBA full-time offer. To learn about even more corporate MBA fellowship opportunities, click here.
Now, we understand completely that the thought of another application process on the heels of applying to business school may seem groan-worthy to many. But for students from diverse backgrounds, exploring the opportunities presented as part of these pre-MBA diversity conferences, boot camps, forums, and fellowship programs can certainly make the additional effort pay off.
This article has been edited and republished with permissions from our sister site, Clear Admit.
New Northwestern Career Video Series Tells You How to Own Your Career

The Career Management Center (CMC) at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management recently launched the “Own Your Own Career” video series aimed to develop brave leaders.
The series was created for prospective and current students, along with alumni, to discuss aspects of managing a career throughout its life cycle. The videos also touch on how Kellogg students can bring value to employers and demonstrate the qualities they seek.
The goal of the video series is not only to help students launch their careers, but also to help them gain the skills and mindset they need to manage their careers over a lifetime, explains Liza Kirkpatrick, senior director of the CMC for the full-time MBA program at Kellogg.

Kellogg Senior Director of Career Management Liza Kirkpatrick
“To that end, we enlisted some of the best minds at Kellogg to address topics that are foundational to owning your career—developing your network, career agility, resiliency, selling your career, and leadership.”
Kirkpatrick continues, “These quick videos tell a narrative about career management that will resonate with and be informative to a broad array of audiences, including prospective and current students.”
The first four episodes of the “Own Your Own Career” series are already online.
- Episode 1: Starting the Career Journey—The first episode highlights three different individuals: Liza Kirkpatrick, Adnan Rukieh, director of the CMC for the executive MBA and evening & weekend MBA; and Matthew Temple, director of the CMC for alumni career and professional development. Together they discuss how individuals can start their career right now.
- Episode 2: Professor Harry Kraemer on Networking—The second episode delves into the importance of networking, emphasizing the value of helping others so they might return the favor in the future. Kraemer talks about networking as a lifelong journey and a key to reaching the C-suite.
- Episode 3: Associate Dean and Professor Bernie Banks on Leadership—This third episode discusses what it takes to be an influential leader who inspires people to perform. Banks dives deep into the situational nature of leadership and how to get people to fulfill your expectations.
- Episode 4: Professor Carter Cast on Career Agility—In episode four, Cast talks about being self-reflective during a career transition. He encourages viewers to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to think several steps ahead when it comes to their career.
“The video series enhances and expands the CMC’s foundational work by highlighting faculty and industry thought leaders who can provide practical examples based on their experience of how to actively manage or own one’s career,” Kirkpatrick says.
“The series provides a roadmap for being proactive and present in your own career development and encourages students to continue asking the right questions to shape their career, not only while looking for a job, but throughout their entire career life cycle.”
This article has been edited and republished with permissions from our sister site, Clear Admit.
The Pacific Northwest MBA Conference Arrives April 21, 2018

On Saturday, April 21, 2018, the annual Pacific Northwest MBA Conference will be held at the T-Mobile HQ in Factoria, Bellevue, hosting an array of talented, experienced MBA professionals, recruiters, and executives together in a one-of-a-kind networking opportunity.
How To Begin Your MBA Search, Pt. 2: The Power of Networks

Read part one of our ongoing networking series here.
It is no secret that among one’s greatest assets is a robust personal and professional network, as it is through these networks that much gets accomplished in the business world.
Even with the power of digital networks like LinkedIn, there is much to be said for creating professional and personal relationships face-to-face. Take it from HR guru Alan Collins, who writes, “pulling together a good network takes effort, sincerity, and time.” Thus, it is unsurprising that time spent in business school is among the most fruitful in terms of building a good network, but there are a number of pertinent issues to consider when deciding which MBA program will help you build the network that you want and need.
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Forget the Rankings and Focus on Your Interests
In order to find the best b-school for networking purposes, you need to discern where your interests lie, and an important aspect of this process is putting aside rankings and finding the program that engages these interests. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a prestigious program, but surrounded by other future MBAs whose desired Rolodexes vary wildly from yours. “All schools have a different set of values, culture, and sense of who they consider a fit for their program. Research that carefully, and then take a step back and really internalize what matters to each school,” says Hillary Schubach of Shine MBA Admissions Counseling.
In other words, if the values and culture of a b-school don’t fit your own, then you probably won’t be able to build as decent a network there as you might in another program. Part and parcel of building that web of important relationships is collaboration, and as Schubach notes, some b-schools “incorporate a particularly heavy dose of team projects into their curriculum, while others are more case-heavy.” Thus, while working with others will always be an integral part of the business world, finding an MBA program where other students share your interests and values will aid in getting you to the point where you’ll have a degree as well as a rich, expansive complex of professional and personal links.
The Student Body and Meeting the “Right” People
While honing in on your b-school interests and personal values are some well-tested methods of assuring you will be able to scaffold a great future network, it is equally vital to do some serious searching as to the student body makeup of the MBA programs you are considering— after all, if you cannot make allies in the b-school setting, that doesn’t leave you with much of a network upon getting your degree.
As Paul Bodine of Paul Bodine Consulting/Admitify notes, “schools have personalities and social dynamics—to gauge your ‘fit’ with them, interact as much as you can with students, alumni, faculty, and administrators.” In other words, finding yourself in a compatible social atmosphere in b-school is almost as important as the material you’ll learn in your coursework.
Consultant Stacy Blackman advises asking yourself, “What type of culture will [I] feel most comfortable in?” Some follow-up questions might include: what do I value in professional and personal relationships? Do I prefer being a bigger fish in a smaller pond, or vice versa? In order to build that strong network while in b-school, Blackman also urges asking, “are there particular teachers, courses, fields of study or extracurriculars that appeal to you at certain schools?”
Relationships are built both in and outside of the classroom, and given that most MBA alums cite network-building as the biggest advantage of going to b-school, finding a program where you can foster such relationships is of utmost necessity!