D’Amore-McKim Online MBA Ranked No. 2 in United States

The Financial Times has ranked the online MBA program at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business no. 2 in the United States in its 2015 online MBA program rankings. The online program was also ranked no. 4 globally. Programs that are ranked must be AACSB accredited and have at least 70 percent of their program content delivered online.
The 2015 ranking is based on surveys of schools and of alumni who graduated in 2011. Alumni were asked to rate how well their degree was delivered online and the level of interaction with peers and academic staff. Fifteen schools from the United States and abroad were ranked in the 2015 report. The no. 1 school was IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. The no. 1 US program was Hough Graduate School of Business at the University of Florida.