Texas A&M Philanthropy Course Gives $62,500 to Local Nonprofits

MBA students in the Strategic Philanthropy class at the Texas A&M University at Mays Business School put their money where their class is: this year, the program awarded $62,500 to nonprofits throughout the area.
MIT Sloan Alum Connects Hard Up Nonprofits With Deep-Pocketed Millennials

MIT Sloan’s blog recently published an article on 2013 MBA graduate Isa Watson’s giving company Envested, which connects local Chapel Hill, North Carolina-based nonprofits to philanthropic millennials.
Former Home Depot CEO Addresses Temple Fox School’s Future Entrepreneurs

Ethics in entrepreneurship cannot be overlooked, according to the co-founder and former Home Depot CEO, Bernard “Bernie” Marcus at Temple University’s Fox School of Business.
Bernie Marcus is the first Musser Visiting Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Fox School of Business. The professorship began in 2015 with the goal of fostering mentorship to students who aim to launch their own ventures.
San Diego State Focuses on Philanthropy

San Diego State University is known for its generosity and has worked to develop a culture of student philanthropy. In fact, it’s at the heart of SDSU’s philosophy, and Aztec Proud—a donation program—is a major initiative of the Office of Alumni Engagement. This past Giving Tuesday, Alumni staff and student volunteers spent the day at the SDSU Bookstore offering refreshments to previous student donors and gifts to new donors to encourage donations to the SDSU scholarship fund. Continue reading…