Toronto or Montreal: Which City Should I Choose?

There are a multitude of reasons to consider Canada as a destination for your business degree. To name just a few—there’s the low exchange rate from the U.S. to the Canadian dollar; the relative ease of obtaining an educational or professional visa; and the overall openness of the country to international students and employees. Also, many regions in Canada are rife with opportunity for startups and small businesses in addition to already established firms in the finance, tech, engineering, and healthcare sector.
Continue reading…No Work Experience? Check Out These Canadian MBA Programs

The question of what differentiates you from the pack during the MBA application process is a daunting one. How will your stellar GPA, along with a miles-long list of extracurriculars, volunteer work, and other experiences stand out? Furthermore, what if you just haven’t had the time to earn years of professional experience?
Never fear, because many MBAs pursue their degrees without an extensive professional resume. Here is a look at some programs in Canada that do not require work experience.