“Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford” To Return May 17-18

Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford will return to Saïd Business School on 17-18 May 2015.
SVCO 2015 will provide an opportunity to hear prominent entrepreneurs, innovators and investors discuss and debate key issues in entrepreneurship and innovation. The interactive sessions will focus on the benefits and challenges of starting and scaling high-growth companies, as well as offering a unique insight into an entrepreneur’s world – the issues and topics they are really passionate about, their failures as well as hard won successes, and how it really is possible to change the rules of the game.
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Oxford MBAs Embark on Global Business Treks

Teams of MBA students from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, are exploring the vibrant business environments of international cities through the annual business treks. The students are visiting Kenya, Colombia, the U.S, Switzerland, India, Rwanda, Brazil, and Dubai to gain insight into the culture and opportunities of the different regions. The treks are an opportunity for students interested in working in these countries to access professional and personal resources and connect with Oxford alumni based in the region.
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Oxford’s Skoll Scholars Collaborate to Create Social Change

Throughout the world, social entrepreneurs are creating innovative and disruptive solutions to tackle urgent global challenges. One of the most effective ways to achieve an impact is through connecting and partnering with other complimentary ventures, says Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Saïd Business School.
“Social entrepreneurs are tackling some of the world’s most challenging problems. As individual organisations, they simply cannot do this alone. One of the goals of the Skoll Scholarship is to build a strong community of entrepreneurs to fuel the ecosystem of solutions,” says Hartigan.
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Saïd Business School To Host Ignite Roadshow on April 20th

Ignite, the UK’s first impact investment fund with a focus on energy, will hold a roadshow event at Saïd Business School. Ignite is aimed at people with a bright business idea that uses energy to make a difference to people’s lives. The ideas will be pitched to a panel of experts, with successful applicants receiving a package of pre-investment support that could potentially lead to an investment of up to £2 million.
With backing from Centrica PLC (the UK’s largest energy supplier), the first Ignite regional roadshow will take place in Oxford on April 20th.
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Saïd Business School to launch Oxford Polaris Digital Academy Executive Education Programme

Polaris Consulting & Services, Ltd – an innovator in digital transformation for enterprises around the world and Saïd Business School, University of Oxford announce the launch of a new executive education programme called the Oxford Polaris Digital Academy.
The collaboration will educate executives across industries on how to thrive in today’s complex world of digital transformation. Saïd Business School will help assess, discuss and debate key challenges facing leaders and the impact this will have on international business.
The era of digital transformation, arguably as significant as the industrial revolution, is affecting nearly every aspect of an enterprise in every industry. How products are conceived, sold, and supported is undergoing a sea change as a result of the confluence of new digital capabilities, most notably the SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud) technologies.
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Saïd Business School and Global Shapers Community Create New Scholarships

Saïd Business School and The Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, have announced two new scholarships for Global Shapers to join the Oxford MBA programme.
The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people, between the ages of 20 to 29, who are selected as being exceptional in their drive to make a contribution to their communities. Over 4,500 young people who have been selected as Global Shapers will be encouraged to apply for two new dedicated scholarships for the one-year Oxford MBA programme at Saïd Business School.
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