Cornell Johnson LGBT Community Helping Students Succeed

Cornell’s Johnson School of Management recently highlighted several of its LGBT student organizations and fellowships that actively challenge attitudes in the workplace and help LGBT MBAs feel more supported.
The article cites a 2013 Deloitte and Kenji Yoshino study entitled Uncovering Talent, which finds that 83 percent of LGBT employees covered their identities at work, a practice that “decreases employees’ loyalty and commitment to their organization.” Compare this figure to “79 percent of blacks, 66 percent of women, 63 percent of Hispanics, and 45 percent of white heterosexual men.”
“LGBT employees may feel conflicted if they have to lead double lives in fear of being passed over for a job promotion or fired for being who they are. Today, employers in 28 states can terminate workers for self-identifying as LGBT,” explained Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) Fellow Brian Tsui, MBA ’18.
“People on the outside wonder about your status, and the LGBT person, whether out or not, can be constantly managing their image and behaviors,” adds Ryan Armstrong, MBA ’17.

Photo via Cornell Johnson
In addition to the Out for Business student group, Johnson offers two fellowships in conjunction with ROMBA, a 20-year-old organization that helps students “find sincerely welcoming communities.”
“ROMBA was originally meant to build a stronger network of LGBT peers who would go into well-paid, high-powered jobs, and be able to look after each other as a network,” says ROMBA executive director Matt Kidd.
ROMBA promotes LGBT business school leadership and “provides information about the LGBT status of business schools worldwide, application and job prep and guidance, and conferences and treks to help students find environments that are right for them.”
”I’ve had many doors open because I had an introduction from someone within the LGBT community,” said ROMBA Fellow Sara Johnson, MBA ’18.
Tsui adds, “I found the courage to be proud and vocal after finding support at the annual ROMBA conference. LGBT alumni from MBA programs proved to me that I could be successful in my career and authentic at the same time.”
You can read more about the student organizations at Cornell’s SC Johnson Graduate School of Management here.
Chicago Business Schools Prepare Students For Future Careers in Nonprofits

According to the Chicago Tribune, Windy City nonprofits reported a surge in spending and staffing in recent years. An annual survey by the CBRE Group, one of the world’s largest real estate companies, showed that 35 percent of Chicago-area nonprofits planned on expanding staff or office space, up from 24 percent reported in 2011. Additionally, 20 percent reportedly planned on increasing advocacy and marketing budgets, outpacing national averages. Continue reading…
Coolest MBA Clubs for Students in New York

Aside from going to class — and in the case of folks seeking a Part-Time MBA, going to work — many prospective MBAs join clubs or student organizations. Students do so for a multitude of reasons.
12 Coolest MBA Clubs and Student Orgs in Chicago

Hindsight is 20/20
Ever since I was a little kid, my mother always encouraged me to get more involved at school (or after-school really) by joining in student clubs and extracurricular activities. Whether it was because I was more interested in playing video games at the time, or if it was the fact that Quilting Club didn’t seem like very much fun, I never really did participate in these types of activities.
Fast forward a decade and I really wish I had gotten involved with some kind of club, especially with all the cool and diverse student organizations running on college campuses across the country today. But cool clubs aren’t limited to the undergrad level… Continue reading…
ROUNDUP: UIC Liautaud Student Organizations

UIC Liautaud Graduate School of Business students have access to a bustling city, rich in diversity. The type of diversity you can kind in this urban setting allows for many student organizations, cultural activities and professional opportunities in the city of Chicago. Liautaud’s robust list of student organizations complement the academic program by offering hands-on leadership and networking opportunities with faculty members, alumni and the business community. There are ten student organizations, all initiated, developed and led by students, that make up a very important part of the UIC Liautaud experience. Continue reading…