Even Business Schools are Slamming Amazon’s HQ2 “Contest”

Less than a week after rumors spilled out about the upcoming locations of its HQ2 headquarters were confirmed, the reality of the Amazon’s move to East coast isn’t going over well.
Thinkers50 Names Rotman Professor One of World’s Best Management Minds

Roger Martin, a professor and former dean at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, has been named the best management thinker in the world, according to Thinkers50.
Warby Parker Co-Founder Talks About Wharton Days

Dave Gilboa, co-founder and co-CEO of the eyewear company Warby Parker, recently spoke with The Atlantic, wherein he gave insight into the process of starting a business. The interview was a part of The Atlantic’s “On the Shoulders of Giants,” series. The publication calls the series and exploration of, “The possibilities and pitfalls of mentorship.” Gliboa was a fitting choice for the series, since, according to the entrepreneur, a huge part of starting his business was reaching out to those with greater experience in business as well as those who had more knowledge of his particular industry.
“We spent a ton of time getting advice and or mentorship from people who had either started a business before, or who had expertise in a specific area—like optometry, fashion, design, or e-commerce,” Gilboa said.
The idea of starting an affordable online eyewear business came to Gilboa and his collaborators while they were pursuing their MBAs at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. One of the students, Neil Blumenthal, had already run VisionSpring, a nonprofit that empowers women in impoverished areas to provide eye care services. Though Blumenthal had some experience in the eyewear industry from VisionSpring, the team still had a lot to learn before they could successfully get such an unconventional idea off the ground.
Jordan Kassalow, the founder of VisionSpring, offered significant support to the budding Warby Parker team. Kassalow is an optometrist, and asked them critical questions based on his expertise while expressing genuine enthusiasm for their idea.
Gliboa said that one of the most important thing he learned from his mentor was, “That there are hundreds of millions of people around the globe that need corrective lenses and don’t have access to them, and that getting someone a pair of glasses is one of the most effective poverty-alleviation tools in the world.”
The mentorship relationship was mutually beneficial, as Warby Parker has partnered with Kassalow’s nonprofit, VisionSpring, and for every pair of glasses Warby Parker sells, a pair is donated to someone less fortunate.
The Highest Paid MBA Starting Salaries in London

The draws of London may be too numerous to list: from a booming global economy to robust historic and cultural attractions, the city has a little something for everyone.
It’s likely no surprise that the city would take the sixth spot in The Atlantic‘s list of the “World’s Best Cities for Business, Life and Innovation.” While a number of factors were taken into consideration for creating the list, London’s ranking was likely boosted by its top spot in financial/business employment, and its 2nd overall spot in attracting job-creating foreign investment.
Such attributes make London an ideal spot for those pursuing or graduating with MBA degrees. As a center for global business, the opportunities for someone with the skills of an MBA are seemingly endless. However, the same vibrancy that attracts visitors across the world to London can make it an incredibly expensive city to live in from day-to-day, and those considering a move will need to consider both the cost of the city as well as earning potential.
Thankfully, London is home to some of the top MBA programs in the world, boosting the hireability and earning potential of graduates.
The Highest Paid London MBA Salaries
Saïd Business School – University of Oxford
Students at the Saïd Business School at the world-renowned University of Oxford take their education to countries around the world and into a wide variety of industries. Even considering the uncertainty brought to businesses in UK with the ‘Brexit’ referendum, the salaries of Oxford MBA graduates continue to rise from from the previous class to 2016 graduates. The average class salary for recent MBA grads at Saïd was £69,132, or $93,404 US—an increase of almost $13,000 from the previous year. These salaries varied slightly with industry, with salary averages for fields like finance and consulting reaching $96,273 and $98,458, respectively.
London Business School
With a staggering 96 percent of MBA graduates from London Business School accepting an offer within just three months of graduation, LBS graduates don’t need to wait long to start their dream job, with hopefully a salary to match. For MBA graduates of LBS, the average salary could range between £32,000 and £151,000, with the mean coming at an impressive £77,600. Salaries varied slightly between industries and also by region, with LBS graduates staying in the UK making slightly less than those venturing to North America.
READ MORE: “London Business School Launches More Flexible MBA”
Judge Business School—University of Cambridge
Graduates from the University of Cambridge Judge Business School will quickly realize the benefits of having such a well-regarded degree: about 92 percent of students from the graduating class received job offers within three months of earning their degree. The Cambridge MBA data also reveals the degree’s success in aiding those as they transition to a new career—98 percent of the 2015 graduating class switched either country, function, or industry sector just two years after graduating. The typical salary of Judge graduates increased greatly for the MBA class of 2015—likely a result of fluctuations in the pound after the Brexit decision—at a current average of £99,000, or, $133,792 USD.
Cass Business School—City University London
The Cass Business School at the City University London ranks among the top three schools for career development in the UK, a ranking reflected in the data of MBA graduates from the University. About 87 percent of MBA graduates reported a 53 percent increase in their salary. The average salary for MBA graduates at Cass is $99,000, with an even greater increase for those with an Executive MBA degree, at $130,000.
The Best Drexel LeBow Dual MBA Options

Earning an MBA can be a surefire way to excel in a chosen career. For aspiring industry leaders with a specific field in mind, earning concurrent degrees will provide the edge of having both general business acumen and industry-specific knowledge and experience. To help out, we’ve outlined Drexel University LeBow College of Business’s most exciting Dual MBA programs for competitive b-schoolers looking to get a leg-up in their field.