Stanford Prof Talks GOP Income Tax Strategies

Stanford’s Graduate School of Business professor and former tax strategy advisor Lisa De Simone recently discussed the potential for the GOP to fix the corporate income tax system, whose rate he wants to cut from 35 percent to 15 percent. The new prospective corporate tax rate would drop the United States, currently the third highest in the world, to well below the 29.5 percent weighted average rate.
Stanford Prof Reflects on Economic Consequences of Refugee and Immigrant Bans

The Stanford Graduate School of Business recently highlighted political economy professor and Stanford Immigration Policy Lab co-director Jens Hainmueller discussed potential economic, political and moral consequences of the Trump administration’s recent executive orders against refugees from Muslim countries and unauthorized Mexican immigrants.
Haas Professor Warns Watch Out for Trump Antitrust Abuse

UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business published an article about a recent essay co-authored by Haas Professor Carl Shapiro in which President Trump is taken to task for abusing antitrust laws to “punish political enemies.” An antitrust expert, Shapiro twice served as an economist for the Department of Justice, from 1995 to 1996 and 2009 to 2011.
USF Guest Speaker Talks Fixing Broken Retirement System

During a USF Silk Speaker Series guest talk at the University of San Francisco School of Management, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Merton emphasized the impending crisis of our “broken retirement system.”
Ivey Women Join Roundtable Discussion at White House For Women in the Workforce

During Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to the White House to speak with U.S. President Donald Trump, they—along with female business leaders from both countries—held a roundtable discussion about women in the workforce. According to The Globe and Mail, the goal of the discussion was to find “common ground with the new U.S. administration.” Invited to the discussion were two Ivey women graduates as well as a former Ivey dean. At the end of the roundtable, a White House official said the two countries would launch a new task force called the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs. Continue reading…
Wharton MBAs Will Get You Out Of The Social Media Bubble

The social media bubble has many definitions but perhaps could more accurately referred to as an echo chamber. As in, we are only listening and reading to precisely what we want to hear. That could sound innocent to those who preface cat videos and YouTube mixtapes, but often in the political sense it leads to unabashed biases going unchecked. Continue reading…