No Work Experience Required MBAs in Los Angeles

An MBA is a great way to improve your skills and increase your job prospects. Unfortunately, at most MBA programs you only receive the benefits after earning at least two years of professional work experience. It’s a catch-22, but it serves the purpose of diversifying classes and providing more insight into discussions.
However, we know there are situations where work experience isn’t possible or desired. In those cases, the following MBA programs in Los Angeles don’t require work experience to get admitted. Continue reading…
Los Angeles MBA Programs without GMAT/GRE Requirements

Applying for an MBA program is an involved process. You have to fill out the application, write essays, ace an interview, develop a “killer” resume, and ask for stellar letters of recommendation. It’s a more involved process than any job application or interview and how well you do can affect your life and job prospects for years to come. Worse yet, most programs also require the GMAT or GRE, increasing your workload and stress exponentially. Continue reading…
Tips for the MBA Reapplication Process from UCLA’s Anderson School

It’s MBA application season! For some students it’s all good news from here, for others, rough waters are ahead. If you’ve already received a rejection letter from your top MBA program choice, there’s no reason to panic. There’s always the possibility of reapplying to your number one program. To make sure you have the best chance of success, we spoke with Jessica Chung, associate director of MBA admissions at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. She offered some valuable insight into the rejection and MBA reapplication process at the Anderson School. Continue reading…
Anderson Assoc. Dean Receives EMBAC Award

Associate dean of the Fully Employed MBA Programs at Anderson School of Management, Gonzalo Freixes, received the 2014 Bud Fackler Service Award from the EMBA Council. Freixes is also the faculty director of the Applied Management Research Program and the former associate dean of UCLA Anderson’s Executive MBA.
The council named the award after Bud Fackler, the late director of the EMBA program at the University of Chicago and one of the council’s founders. The Bud Fackler Service Award recognizes contributions to EMBAC and to EMBA programs worldwide, including efforts to help other programs, to share best practices and to raise the quality of EMBA programs.