Merage Ranked by Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek has ranked the Paul Merage School of Business no. 31 among top MBA programs in the nation. This ranking is up 12 spots from the 2012 ranking. The Merage School was also ranked no. 23 in the report’s employer survey and no. 21 for intellectual capital.
Bloomberg Businessweek determined the rankings based on three measures: a survey of student satisfaction, a survey of employers who hire those graduates and the expertise of each school’s faculty, measured by faculty research in esteemed journals. 112 full-time MBA programs were ranked for this year’s report. Bloomberg Businessweek ranked 85 U.S. schools and 27 international schools. This is the largest group since the company began ranking MBA programs in 1988.
Haas Re-vamps LAUNCH Competition

The Haas School of Business has revamped its LAUNCH start-up competition. The program now has new eligibility requirements, and has been developed from a startup idea competition into a four-month accelerator designed to transform early-stage startups into fundable ventures.
Top Berkeley-Haas leaders and faculty, including serial entrepreneur and Berkeley-Haas Lecturer Steve Blank, Lester Center for Entrepreneurship Executive Director André Marquis, and the newly appointed Lester Center Associate Director, Rhonda Shrader, will teach the LAUNCH accelerator.
Students Attend Leadership Program at Davis

Undergraduate students from historically black colleges and universities and from Hispanic-serving institutions will learn about marketing and management skills as part of an intensive two-week program that the University of California, Davis, Graduate School of Management is hosting this month.
The University of California Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders, which is a collaboration of UC’s six business schools, offers undergraduates the chance to learn the principles of business development, entrepreneurship and other key management skills.
For two consecutive summers, students learn from internationally renowned faculty, take part in hands-on workshops and develop valuable connections with high-profile industry leaders and their peers.
Speakers Announced for UC Davis Graduation

Sandy Weill, chairman emeritus and former CEO of Citigroup, will be the featured speaker at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management Commencement on Saturday, June 14th at 10am. Last month, Weill was named to CNBC’s list of the 25 people who have had the most profound impact on business and finance since 1989.
John Pérez, speaker of the California Assembly until a leadership hand off on May 12, will launch graduation season at UC Davis School of Law on Friday. Other speakers at the school’s 12 ceremonies that last through June 15 include Faith Fitzgerald, an internist and professor of internal medicine at UC Davis, Dale Dougherty, who is a leader in the “maker movement,” which encourages people to tinker, invent and make things, Helene Dillard, who earned advanced degrees at UC Davis and now serves as dean of its College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Charley Hess, who was for 14 years dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis.