AI and God, from Google and Amazon – Chicago News

Let’s explore some of the most interesting stories that have emerged from Chicago business schools this week.
Siri, Should I Believe in God? – Mendoza Business Magazine
Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business recently published an article that explores the shortcomings of AI-driven digital assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa when it comes to existential and religious questions.
According to the article, “the overwhelming majority of youth in the digital age prefer Google searches and even disembodied voices to get the information they need about virtually everything.”
The problem, according to administrative vice director at the Vatican observatory and philosophy of science expert Rev. Paul Mueller, S.J., is that “Siri, like a vanilla politician, wants to offend no one, will not challenge or provoke.”
“Siri will be coy regarding religious questions, to avoid the risk of giving offense. [Digital assistants] will at most promote generic niceness, and perhaps something akin to the modern liberal values that church and state should be separate and religion should be a private affair.”
David Hart, a Notre Dame philosophy of mind instructor, adds, “At this point I think that technology is altering habits of mind in a rather distressing way. If there’s a danger in computers, it’s not that they are going to become conscious, but that they’re forcing us to become unconscious.”
Check out the full article here.
Gies Alumni Named to Crain’s 20 in their 20s – Gies School of Business Blog
Crain recently named two Gies College of Business MBA alumni—Tiesta Tea co-founder Dan Klein and Amber Agriculture founder Lucas Frye—among its 2018 Crain’s Chicago Business 20 In Their 20s.
Klein writes, “We knew from the beginning that we could be successful with 20-somethings if we could demystify high-quality, loose-leaf tea. Instead of a Chinese green tea, we do a ‘Fruity Pebbles Slenderizer’ tea.” This approach has enabled Tiesta Tea to win over a “young, health-obsessed market.”
Lucas Frye’s startup Amber Agriculture offers a pellet-shaped device that helps farmers monitor moisture, on which he explains the entire “ag value chain is based.” The article explains how Frye’s device works: “Toss the pellet into an avalanche of grain, whether in a storage bin or on a barge, and it tracks moisture levels. When necessary, it triggers fans for aeration.”
Read the full article here.
UIC Business Scholar Alleia James says “Hola” to Spain this Summer – UIC Business Blog
UIC Business Scholar Alleia James writes about her upcoming study abroad experience as part of the “Business, International Relations and Spanish at the University of Deusto” program in Spain.
James’ attraction to Spain is rooted in the country’s “deep history and sophisticated culture,” but the study abroad program’s integrated “company visits to Mondragon Cooperative Society, Bilbao Stock Market, and IDOM Consulting” made it a no-brainer.
Financial support from the Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship, Honors College Sally and Kevin Desouza Family Scholarship, Financial Executives International Chicago Chapter Scholarship, UIC CHANCE Financial Assistance Scholarship, UISAVES Scholarship, as well as financial support via a GoFundMe campaign will facilitate James’ trip.
James writes, “I am super thrilled to travel to different parts of Europe and speak to as many locals as possible! I have dreamed of walking on cobblestone sidewalks, watching Spanish La Liga football in person, visiting Gaudí’s La Pedrera, and zipling in Comares. I can’t wait to take adventures and explore Spain with my study abroad group. I hope to make lifelong friends on this trip and become more independent.”
The full article can be found here.